VSTech GmbH
Gewerbeallee 13a
4221 Steyregg, Austria
Ing. Peter Vollath
T +43 676 540 35 88
PEDALBOOTS® – the revolutionary solution for guitarists to fix and quickly change all types of floor effect equipment, MIDI controllers, power supplies, tuners and foot switches on the pedal board without using adhesive tape.
Perfect and professional device protection on stage and during transportation because of non-smelling high-end material which never fades or loses its firmness.
Often adhesive tape, ugly Gaffa-Tapes or similar amateur solutions are used to anchor sustain pedals under the keyboard or piano, which have yet to be met with a professional non-slip solution to the hard demands on stage.
PIANOBOOTS are made to fit the three best-selling sustain pedals and never fade or lose their firmness. Use our universal PIANOBOOT “HH Stop” for all the other types of sustain pedals.
Which drummer or percussionist doesn’t have the problem that parts of the drumset or the percussion instruments become independent and slip away during the gig or in studio situation?
With DRUMBOOTS there is now a professional alternative to unattractive drum carpets on-stage as well as in the studio!
I’ve tried the pedal boots a few times now – they really work perfectly. Congratulations I’ve never needed the bass drum feet attachments before, as the base for the bass drum pedal was sufficient and held everything great in place. Even with a cheap pedal that doesn’t have a base plate, it worked great (even without the bass drum feet).
Manuel Höfer Drums, executive assistant of Brucknerorchester Linz/Austria
I have been using the DRUMBOOTS for over a month and I must say I am extremely satisfied with it. A really great idea. I’ve been looking for one of those for years, by the way.
Hello guys, I had the pedal boots with me on tour and they will be my constant companion. Saved my ass every evening just when I have to fly with little luggage. Cool product, never again carpet. Fits in the cymbal or snare bag and you are absolutely safe at every gig. MUST HAVE! That’s all I can say, every drummer should always have it with him. Thanks, Udo Masshoff